“Your personal best is yet to come, take the action Now!”

​​Sober Coach:  Marilyn Stevens


Sober Coaching

It is impossible to fear what we understand.  We may not like it, however we surely will not fear it.  Therefore, to truly be in solution we must understand this baffling disease of chemical addiction.  In reality, we need to first become smarter than the disease “running the show” and controlling our entire life.  It is written alcoholics and addicts are intelligent, some of the greatest minds in the world had alcoholism or other drug addiction. 

 A Sober Coach is a recovery professional with the experience and objectivity to support getting the job done, even though there are no guarantees of success in this business.  “We can lead them to the trough...we cannot make them drink.”  While working together on an individualized personal basis, new insights come alive with a renewed sense of hope and eagerness to want to be clean and sober.  Personal support and guidance leads the way to begin building a recovery foundation of willingness and honesty essential for lasting recovery.  If a building’s foundation is quickly thrown together, the building will eventually crumble.  Recovery is not a foot race, rather to keep it simple... progress not perfection.  Sober Caching provides strength and more rapid growth in the recovery process.  Helping to have a strong connection to the recovery community and other available resources that could be of benefit to the client’s needs.  Support and guidance for the family becomes a strong  reinforcement of solution, “those that recover together stay together.”         

 As a Sober Coach, the work is based on each individual case.  Clients require a different range of needs depending on their history of addiction, previous treatment or not, physical and medical condition, repeated failures  to remain clean and sober, special circumstances that may affect their personal recovery, work or profession, family matters, etc.  After meeting with the client and their family if indicated, a plan of action will be discussed with appropriate recommendations to succeed in solution of lasting and “fun” sobriety.